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Widows Helping Widows

Widows of all ages are invited to join us for an encouraging, Christ-centered time together. Our time includes fellowship, a Bible devotional and follow-up discussion. This is an opportunity to grow in your relationship with the Lord and develop lasting relationships with women, who like you, face unique circumstances as widows.

Prayer Gathering

Join us in the Prayer Room as we seek the Lord, pray and intercede for our church family, ministries and communities.

Resurrection Sunday Services | 9 AM & 11 AM

CalvaryKids for infants through Pre-K aged children is available during both services. Children in Kindergarten and older will worship in the sanctuary with their family!

Special Needs Bible Study (Ages 13 and up)

All individuals with Special Needs, age 13 and older, are invited to join us for our weekly Bible Study. Our lessons are tailored to make the Word more easily understandable using readings, pictures and role playing. The study is held during the 11am church service in the Breezeway Room of the Cafe.