
Matthew 6:21
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”

The stewardship of our finances is a tremendous and often overlooked area of our lives where we can faithfully proclaim the gospel. Giving strengthens our devotion to Christ and frees us to live open-handedly with the gifts God gives us. We trust in Him and His provision instead of our perceived self-sufficiency. As Christians we give faithfully and generously.

Is online giving safe?
Yes. We utilize the most up-to-date security and encryption methods to ensure that credit card and banking data is not compromised.
Should I use my credit card to give?
It’s perfectly OK to use your credit card to give. We simply ask that you pay off your balance and not go in debt by giving to the church.
What giving options are there?

The FIRST is online giving by following this link- GIVE NOW.

The SECOND way you can give is by mailing your check to the church using the following information:

Calvary Chapel Central Bucks
150 E Butler Ave. Chalfont, PA 18914

What are my donations used for?
Any gift, online or otherwise, will be utilized to support the mission and ministries of Calvary Chapel. Our Pastors, Elders, and Financial Advisory Council oversee the use of all church funds.
Will I receive a year-end statement of my giving?
We supply year-end giving statements in January of each year.

We’re Here to Help

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