Games, Bible study, small groups and fellowship for students in 7th through 12th grades.
Join us for a Bible study, worship, and fellowship as we study through the Book of Colossians and "Live With Christ Confidence." This study is a great opportunity to grow in your relationship with the Lord, get to know more women in the church, and form lasting relationships. Childcare is provided.
Please join us for a great time of worship, fellowship, insight and food!
Please join us for a great time of worship, fellowship, insight and food! Our guest speaker this month is Jerry Paradise, Assistant Pastor at CC Philly. Register:
CalvaryKids for Infants to 6th Grade is available during both the 9 AM and 11 AM services.
All individuals with Special Needs, age 13 and older, are invited to join us for our weekly Bible Study. Our lessons are tailored to make the Word more easily understandable using readings, pictures and role playing. The study is held during the 11am church service in the Breezeway Room of the Cafe.